COMMUNITY SURVEY! Respond by 11/25

Taking Positive Action Together with Our Teens

Join us in helping to rebuild community and support each other with love and kindness.

We want to hear from everyone - teens, parents with kids of all ages, and everyone interested in supporting families and fostering our community.

Tell us what YOU want to see & learn, and how you'd like to take action. We can do this together.

xo Heart of the Village

PS - Please respond by FRIDAY 11/25

Supporting teens: let's continue the conversation

Let's continue the Community Discussion we started on November 10!

On December 5 from 6-7:30PM, we'll gather at the MV Community Center and break out into smaller working groups to check in with each other and brainstorm how we can support teens and their families.

Everyone welcome - teens, parents with kids of all ages, and everyone interested in supporting families and fostering our community.

Please register here!

Hosted by HOTV and the MVCC

Don't Let Saturday Be the Future for Our Kids


Are you disturbed about how a teen party turned into an out-of-control, destructive mob? Wondering where we go from here?

Let's figure it out together!

Join us for a community conversation about the conditions that led to this incident.

Both teens and adults will hear from young people about their personal experiences with the criminal justice system and substance abuse.

Most importantly, we'll explore how we as a village can encourage our young people to become empathetic, responsible, and community-centered young adults.

This is a SOLUTION-focused event, so bring your ideas to share with the community!

Learn more and register here

Adopt a Tam Family - Gift Drive

Help make the holidays more joyous for our community families who may need a bit of extra love and support this season.

Sign up to give a gift to an individual child or adult - or grab your friends and network to adopt an entire family! 

If a gift card is more your speed, there are also signup slots to donate grocery gift cards. The goal is to outfit each family with grocery gift cards in addition to gifts this year. 

Gifts can be dropped off Sunday, December 11th at the Tam High Student Center between 9-11 am.

See SIGNUP for more info and to Help share the love!

Have questions? Contact Stephanie Young

Supporting our teens - a community gathering 10/25

A joint event hosted by Heart of the Village and the Mill Valley Community Center!

Please join us to hear from our community leaders and talk about how we can all work together for the welfare of our teens.

  • Mental Health

  • Learning Loss

  • Social Isolation?

  • How parents & caregivers can support your teen

  • What Mill Valley has to offer for our teens, and what more can be done

We’ll hear from our community leaders plus dedicated time for Q&A:

  • Principal of Tam High, Dr. JC Farr

  • Principal of MVMS , Mr. Danny Chui

  • City Manager of Mill Valley, Todd Cusimano

Doors open at 6PM, panel at 6:30- 7:30, Q&A 7:30-8

Please pre-register for this free event on EventBrite

See you there!!

Election forum - tomorrow May 17th!

Elections are just around the corner!

Interested in learning more about county-wide efforts to green our schools?

Zoom in tomorrow, May 17 at 6pm, for Sustainable Mill Valley’s Greening Our Schools Election Forum, to meet both candidates for Superintendent of Marin County Schools, Michele Crncich Hodge and John Carroll, and to hear from representatives of the Yes on Measure G campaign.

Don’t miss this opportunity to ask questions and share your thoughts about how we can make our local schools models of sustainability for the broader community.

For more details, please see the meetup agenda.

Be sure to RSVP to (You may access the meetup from the link below, but will only be guaranteed entry to the call if they receive your RSVP or if you are known to the group)

Join Zoom Meeting

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