Elections are just around the corner!
Interested in learning more about county-wide efforts to green our schools?
Zoom in tomorrow, May 17 at 6pm, for Sustainable Mill Valley’s Greening Our Schools Election Forum, to meet both candidates for Superintendent of Marin County Schools, Michele Crncich Hodge and John Carroll, and to hear from representatives of the Yes on Measure G campaign.
Don’t miss this opportunity to ask questions and share your thoughts about how we can make our local schools models of sustainability for the broader community.
For more details, please see the meetup agenda.
Be sure to RSVP to team@sustainablemillvalley.com. (You may access the meetup from the link below, but will only be guaranteed entry to the call if they receive your RSVP or if you are known to the group)
Join Zoom Meeting
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Passcode: 838852
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