Show your support for racial equity in Mill Valley!
This Monday, December 7, at 6:30pm the Mill Valley Task Force on Diversity Equity & Inclusion [DEI] will formally present their Report & Recommendations to the City outlining how we can begin to correct the historic and persistent racial inequities in our community.
The Task Force has worked tirelessly since its formation on October 7, gathering and reviewing public input, assessing local needs and priorities, and researching anti-racist best practices throughout the nation.
They are asking, first and foremost, for the establishment of a dedicated DEI Commission to provide the sustained leadership without which meaningful change will be impossible.
They have also developed solid recommendations across six facets of our civic and community life:
DEI Leadership & City Government
Law Enforcement
Affordable Housing
Culture & Recreation
Economic Opportunity and
Here’s how you can help NOW:
A large attendance will help show the City Council that racial equity is profoundly important to our community. There will be a public comment period if you would like to make a statement.
2. SEND AN EMAIL TO THE CITY COUNCIL expressing your support for the Task Force Recommendations. (;
[Note: your personal experiences with racism in our community, and comments on any of the Task Force recommendations that particularly resonate with you can be especially persuasive.]
Sample email:
Dear Mayor and City Council,
Thank you for supporting the creation of a Task Force on Diversity Equity and Inclusion. It is a small but important first step toward identifying and addressing Mill Valley’s historic and persistent racial segregation and inequities. For the sake of justice and the vitality of our community, we must commit to the serious ongoing work necessary to bring about systemic change.
I am writing to urge the Council to immediately undertake the two top priority initiatives in the DEI Task Force Report:
1. Establish a permanent Commission on Diversity Equity & Inclusion to provide dedicated DEI Leadership and shepherd the ongoing work.
2. Develop a strategic Racial Equity Plan that will center equity in City government actions
and decision-making and support the implementation of the DEI Task Force recommendations.
Let's transform our City into a model of racial justice and inclusion that we can be proud of.
3. INVITE YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY to join us in this effort.
All across the country, cities and towns are facing a profound moment of racial awakening. Right now, in Mill Valley we have a choice: we can confront the difficult truths that undermine our collective values and potential; or we can revert to the complacency that has perpetuated decades of racial inequity and injustice.
Thank you for standing up for racial justice in Mill Valley!