Join the MV DEI conversation Tomorrow Night

The Mill Valley DEI Task Force has been gathering — and gaining momentum — over the past few weeks, forming subcommittees to work on specific areas such as affordable housing, education, police training and recruitment, and community services. 

Mark your calendars for the Task Force’s first Public Engagement Meeting tomorrow, November 5, from 7-9 pm. Everyone in our community is invited to take part, learn more about the Task Force’s mission, and share what is important to us.

Please register now to join the Zoom conversation.

By sharing our priorities and values, our hopes and dreams, we can all help shape a more just, equitable, and inclusive community in Mill Valley.

A community where everyone BELONGS.

For more scoop on the Task Force, including goals, timeline, and ways to get involved, please visit Mill Valley’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion web page.