The Sausalito Marin City School District is poised to make history by unifying around an exciting new vision of a racially and socially just, top-quality educational community for our children.
HOTV, along with MVCan, Indivisible Sausalito, and many other local organizations, supports Lisa Bennett for Sausalito Marin City School Board.
Now is the time to get the word out to as many voters as possible. Can you help with phone-banking, hosting zooms, waving signs, and walking neighborhoods for some contactless, socially distanced literature drops? If you can spare even a few hours, please sign up here.
Their Volunteer Kickoff is THIS FRIDAY, October 16 at 4:30 PM. Please join us to meet our volunteer leaders and get started! RSVP here.
We know that together we can create a world-class, equitable and integrated school. Please help make sure every Sausalito and Marin City resident knows, too.