Intoxicating Hemp Products: What You Need to Know

HOTV note: this is a guest post from our friends at BeTheInfluence, a parenting program which seeks to delay adolescent substance use and prevent harmful consequences associated with underage use.

Did you know there’s a relatively new type of drug being sold in Marin that technically any 10-year old can buy?

Anyone, including kids, can now legally access intoxicating hemp-derived cannabis edibles, vapes and other products because of loopholes in federal and California laws. These drugs are poorly regulated and can have very harmful health effects. They are extremely risky to use, especially for youth with developing brains.

Intoxicating hemp-derived products are sold outside of licensed cannabis stores, and can be found in local gas stations, shops and convenience stores - including here in Marin.

They are widely available through online delivery (think Amazon!) and marketed through social media like Instagram, YouTube and TikTok.

There is no minimum age legal requirement to purchase these products, and these edibles are being manufactured in a wide variety of fun flavors, have catchy names and are sold with bright packaging to attract kids.

They come as drinks, drink concentrates (can be added to water or alcohol), gummies, candies, and cookies.

Perhaps most concerning? They can legally contain astronomical amounts of intoxicating cannabinoids like THC.

Read more on the BTI website to find out